I love Starbucks. I know, it’s a chain and lots of shops sell drinks. But I love the experience of it all. I love mobile ordering. I love the feel of the Starbucks cup in my hand. I love that they are everywhere! Even when I travel to someplace unfamiliar to me, there is the familiarity of a Starbucks, and I find comfort in that. For the past few years, I have also used Starbucks as an office. I live about 2 minutes from a Starbucks, and got into the habit of going a few times per week to get written computer work done. I work from home, which is awesome, but when I’m home and working on something not fun, I can easily get distracted. I found I got this kind of work done way faster when at Starbucks. I also got to reward myself with a fun drink while I worked. COVID-19 changed all that. My drinks of choice from Starbucks:Before the pandemic, I got a Starbucks drink at least once a day. Even if I didn’t go to work, I would go through the drive-thru for a treat at some point in the day. And I know, the drinks I get can easily be made at home. But it was the experience that I loved. But now, I don’t feel the same joy when I see Starbucks or when I see any fast food for that matter. I have an uneasiness, unsure what could happen if I partake daily as a patron again. So I have given it up, for the safety of me and my family. Yes, it’s a huge bummer. Yes, I still want a fun drink everyday. Yes, I struggle getting written computer work done now.
And lastly, probably controversial, but I was missing the cup feel of getting a Starbucks drink. So I looked on Amazon for a clear disposable cup to put my drink in, and found it! I feel like I have now completed my Starbucks experience, at home.
Is my new normal my forever normal?