Topics we are looking for guest to have an honest conversation with:
Abortion- Looking for a guest who has had an abortion and willing to have an honest conversation about it.
Political- Looking for someone who ran for political office and lost.
Transgender- Looking for a transgender person who is willing to have an honest conversation about their journey and life experience.
Cult- Looking for someone who has been in a cult and come out of it.
What’s your story? Do you have life experience that is not typically talked about? Are you willing to have an honest conversation with us about it? Click here to email Beth & Steph and share your story.
Political- Looking for someone who ran for political office and lost.
Transgender- Looking for a transgender person who is willing to have an honest conversation about their journey and life experience.
Cult- Looking for someone who has been in a cult and come out of it.
What’s your story? Do you have life experience that is not typically talked about? Are you willing to have an honest conversation with us about it? Click here to email Beth & Steph and share your story.